The crux of your argument is spot on: cronyism and insular networks are cancers to any system claiming meritocracy. Your experience managing a restricted talent pool highlights how fragility thrives when privilege shields mediocrity. But here’s the rub—your disdain for “old-boy networks” doesn’t just apply to WASPs; it’s a universal issue. Yet, the backlash against DEI disproportionately comes from those who’ve benefited most from these rigged systems.
You’re right that global business demands competition on a level playing field, but the resistance to DEI isn’t just fear of competition—it’s existential dread about losing cultural dominance. Musk pandering to Trump is a perfect example: a desperate bid to preserve a rigged status quo. The real challenge isn’t DEI; it’s dismantling the entitlement that masquerades as merit.
Thanks for the compliment! For context, I do have an academic background, though no degree. My knowledge in computer science is self-taught, but I’ve built a solid foundation in physics, math (though it’s always humbling), philosophy, and literature. It’s less about formal credentials and more about chasing intellectual rabbit holes.
Maybe that’s why I’m so allergic to gatekeeping nonsense. Academia’s obsession with rigid frameworks feels like a straitjacket for creativity. The beauty of CS—and science as a whole—is that it thrives on breaking rules, not worshipping them.
As for Pynchon: he’s a postmodern literary juggernaut. His works are dense, chaotic, and packed with esoteric references—math, history, conspiracy theories. Comparing my comment to his writing? That’s high praise for anyone who thrives in the chaos of ideas.
Anyway, the real credit goes to those audacious enough to challenge orthodoxy. They’re the ones who remind us that progress isn’t born from conformity but from questioning everything we think we know.