Thanks for the legwork.
That’s a shame. They were one of the few left that actually had some integrity, but apparently that’s over.
Thanks for the legwork.
That’s a shame. They were one of the few left that actually had some integrity, but apparently that’s over.
holding a pro-Russia stance
She’s a fucking Russian asset!
When did The Guardian sell out? I missed that. They were pretty good as recently as the presidentoal campaign season, but they’ve apparently now joined the ranks of the compromised media who deliberately shift the narrative to take the fascist edges off of the Musk/Trump coup d’etat.
Mmm… yes and no.
This is a trait that Trump shares (and in fact, Trump is pretty much the ultimate example of it).
And yes - it’s absolutely a strategic advantage to them to toss around accusations to which they themselves are justifiably subject, since that at least diverts some focus from, and potentially completely undermines, the accusations against them.
But I think that’s more in the nature of a fringe benefit that they (and again, especially Trump) have come to recognize over the years and that first and foremost, it’s just plain old psychological projection, and rooted simply in their profound mental illness.
In Trump’s case, look at things like his obsession with crowd size and his immediate rage against anything he considers a threat to his image, or in Musk’s case, look at his cringey edgelord posturing and his lies about video game high scores. Both of them are desperately insecure and overcompensating egomaniacs, and I presume that in both cases, that’s the real root of their projection - that essentially they’re telling themselves, “I know you are but what am I?” Not as a strategy but simply as a defense mechanism for their grossly inflated and fragile egos.
But yes - chicken or egg, it is also an effective strategy to deflect or divert from legitimate accusations against them.
It never ceases to amaze me that so much evil is being carried out by people who are so cringey and stupid.
What makes you think that I’d be interested in defending a claim I didn’t make?
Even this analysis doesn’t capture the real problem.
Asserting that the DNC “fails to learn” implies that they have some goal they’re not meeting.
They don’t.
Their goal is to rake in as much corporate soft money as possible, and by that standard, this past election was a resounding success. And nothing else, including winning elections, matters to them.
So they’re not really “failing” at anything. In fact they’re succeeding nicely. It’s just that they’re succeeding at being corrupt, self-serving and deceitful.
Not personally and directly, no, but broadly, yes - I do know the irreversible damage they’re doing.
And here’s the real key to it all - none of it is accidental. The damage is the point.
Their goal is actually very simple - it’s to utterly destroy every aspect of the government that benefits the common people or inconveniences the wealthiest few, in order to convert it explicitly and entirely into a mechanism for protecting and expanding the privilege of the wealthiest few at the expense of everyone else.