In which case you probably aren’t saving time. Checking bullshit is usually harder and longer to just research shit yourself. Or should be, if you do due diligence
In which case you probably aren’t saving time. Checking bullshit is usually harder and longer to just research shit yourself. Or should be, if you do due diligence
It’s easy, it’s quick, and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks.
Fortunately, there are other possible criteria.
Exactly. In a sence that it happened once, wasn’t really significant, but people making it out to be some kind of catastrophe instead of a pretty regular not very newsworthy event
Nobody’s looking into space that nobody wants. And people don’t want space that can’t be easily accessed. Win win for you.
But if you’re determined to remain in US you can buy an acre of land in Alaska for like a thousand bucks, and then you can live there for as long as you want.
There is so much empty land in the middle of nowhere. If the goal is to never interact with society again, it is unbelievably easy to achieve.
Off hours can’t be 6 times cheaper, surely
fucking propaganda
Damn, really? That’s craaaazy.
Yeah, Americans are notoriously love intelligent women, especially if they’re not white.
These science institutions shouldn’t be used for fucking politics.
You’d think, huh? Daamn, that’s crazy
What a nuanced representation of the position, I just feel trustworthiness oozes out of the screen.
In case you’re using random words generation machine to summarise this comment for you, it was a sarcasm, and I meant the opposite.