In other news, Republicans vote to turn Congress into giant MAGA circle jerk.
In other news, Republicans vote to turn Congress into giant MAGA circle jerk.
Me rewatching a movie:
“Oh yeah, I remember this part…”
“Oh yeah, I remember this part…”
Tbh I think flag hate or angst is about as useful/less as flag worship. If you need something to be preoccupied with, why not make it a problem you can put that energy into doing something about where you live - like homeless people or food aid.
I might be reacting this way because I’ve been getting recent emails from my college about changing the school mascot, which is a “pioneer”. When I was there I don’t remember even being aware that there was a mascot. But apparently they think “pioneer” might be too closely associated with colonialism and they’ve decided this is an important issue. My attitude is create a Native American scholarship (or anything that actually does something) - don’t obsess on imagery.
Not understanding every ADJ (abbreviation du jour) people have made up for faster thumb typing.
“Well, he did give us the Volkswagen.”
If enough freedom fighters have the guts to post enough memes, there’s no limit to what we can achieve.
No. I make my own pop culture.
A cure for all diseases? Nooooo, we don’t do cures we do maintenance! The money’s in maintenance!!!
You’re right, What if they publish cheat codes for all Steam games, thus freeing humanity from corporate exploitation???!!!
Biggest free download site is probably https://www.oldradioworld.com/
There’s also the Internet Archive - https://archive.org/details/oldtimeradio
If you like sci-fi I highly recommend X Minus One - https://www.oldradioworld.com/shows/X_Minus_One.php
The curve is leveling off in the typical manner of a plateau starting. It’s “plateauing”.
I listen to mp3 all the time. Back in the Napster days I collected a ton of music, but moreover I’m a fan of Old Time Radio from the 30s and 40s, so I accumulated around 10,000 of those shows. More than I’ll ever have time to listen to. Audiophiles may deride the quality level, but I don’t believe in letting perfection be the enemy of good. And even if “computers” - whatever that even means anymore lol - drop support for mp3, there will always be software that plays it as long as there are people with big collections of files they don’t want to take the trouble to convert to something else.
Modern tech makes it hard for me to take science fiction seriously anymore that involves humans piloting space fighters, manually aiming weapons, or even being effective on battlefields. We’re rapidly reaching a point where warfare will be strictly in the realm of machines.
Federated as opposed to using a Wordpress hosting service etc that can be turned off by someone’s business decision.
DEi: Democrats, Education and Immigrants, the three deadly dangers.
I can’t upvote this strongly enough. Social media is doing everything in the establishment’s favor - especially ingraining the habit of glancing at a news item and making an instant value judgement with minimal thought before scrolling along to the next item. It’s not just that endless scrolling and venting take time away from real action, it’s the encouragement of superficial thinking. People who get all their info from memes are solid gold to con men like Trump who depend on triggering simplistic kneejerk conclusions. They got conservatives to worship him by not thinking too much, and they can do the same to liberals.
No, that’s just rationalizing fucking with somebody’s stuff. Your personal anger is not a moral principle.