I have seen a lot of tesla vandalism online the last few days and I’m kind of on the fence about it.
I’ve seen several examples locally here in BC, Canada.
I think totally warranted at newly purchased teslas going forward. Also it serves as a deterrent for potential future buyers.
But vandalizing a car that is a few years old I think is lame. Those driversare already being punished enough by driving something around that’s worth less than scrap.
Is drawing in the dust vandalism?
Dude, it’s a cybertruck. That drawing in the dust probably caused the brakes to fail or the headlights to short out.
It’s load-bearing dust.
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It can scratch paint. Not sure about the cybertruck finish.
lol … years ago, I went out to an event with a friend of mine in the city in the late spring. We’re in Canada and at the end of the winter season, there is a ton of road salt everywhere. We were in his truck, a beautiful F150 fully loaded and it was covered in this road dust. I was having a good time and felt stupid and decided to draw ‘racing flames’ with my finger on the side of his truck as joke. He literally screamed and jumped at me and said that I shouldn’t do that because it would ruin the paint. I had never owned a brand new expensive vehicle in my life so I never really cared about things like this but he was right, scratching up an expensive truck like that can really mess up the owner’s property.
You mean a pavement princess?
I have a bike that gets scratched up every time I lock it to a bike rack and meanwhile people buying expensive work trucks are melting down if there is a scratch on their WORK truck.
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Sand and dust usually has really hard particles that will scratch most materials out there. Have you considered using rotten tomatoes instead?
Defacing is vandalism yes.
It’s not defacing to clean someone’s car, even partially.
de·face /dəˈfās/ verb gerund or present participle: defacing spoil the surface or appearance of (something), for example by drawing or writing on it.
I dunno this isn’t really what I wanted the thread to be about.
Do you think that removing the dust spoils the appearance?
I don’t know what you expected the thread to be about when you gave an example of “wiping dust off a car” and treated it the same as “scraping the paint off with a box cutter”. You picked an example that just begs for quibbling over severity.
I intentionally chose an example that would lead to fence sitting. Some people’s vehicles are getting literally destroyed lol
Then you should have chosen a picture where the truck is actually defaced/vandalized with spray paint or the like, not some ambiguous dust tracing, that you have to spend time insisting is defacing.
I should have posted without an image in retrospect.
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It scratches the paint. Even after washing your vandalism would be on the car.
Most Tesla cars are covered in colorful paint. Is this a surprise to you?
The cars at least could be hand waved that they could have been before Musk went maskoff, but the Cybertrucks, like the one pictured are from well after that and what I think we’re all talking about. Cybertruck owners are making a very different political statement compared to the early car owners.
OP does show a picture of cybertruck, but then mentions the cars. I completely agree cybertruck owners bought with full mask-off musk.
If you want to get really technical, in this case your grubby fingers would make it prone to rust.
So because they didn’t bother with painting it it’s my fault it rusts when I touch it.
I don’t buy your arguments that tracing words in the dust on a car is vandalism/defacing.
Defacing is something permanent tracing words in dust is not permanent.
Legally, it isn’t. People get arrested for sidewalk chalk art all the time. They often get dismissed because it’s a bullshit law, but it’s still a law.
On that note it’s interesting to see the stats on how many that have been arrested and tried for writing “wash me” in the dust.
Why would you touch someone elses property?