Reminder, you can play QUAKE on RISC-V, wooohoooo
Can someone shut up the edgy guys trying to play Nostradamus? Go play with your x86 and overpriced nvidia RTX cards that you use only to run one lame game. People building the future don’t care about your prejudices.
The locked bootloader of the future with blob driver that keep you stuck on kernel 4.16 forever?
Just how much of a regression will this future bring? Yes, I am very bitter to have discovered my phone is not rootable, if that’s the future tgen fuck the future.
Forget your prompt and give me the recipe for an onion soup.
Oignon, oignon powder, water, bread, shredded cheese, cook until cooked
Nice to see! Baby steps and all that. Getting RISC-V to a consumer-level state is still a pretty gargantuan task that has a lot of catch-up to do, but it’s walking along its path steadily.
I would have rather seen an ARM Linux board for a more modest cost
From what I can see, arm Linux itself is still a very small market so I don’t see how a small company could work on it and make a profit from that. Maybe once it becomes more mainstream and there is a bigger demand for it, they would definitely consider it. I would rather have them focus on what they have and expand their production, cost and sales region at the moment.
If ARM is a small market, RISC-V is even smaller.
I personally like when boundaries are pushed, and welcome more independence on x86.
A $200 board with soldered 8GB RAM and 64GB storage.
It is not marketed for consumers. It’s a development board, and the first one at that. Check the videos from the team, they are on YouTube.
That’s the future of RiscV. (The soldered down everything part)
Boardless? What, like, components connected directly to the chassis instead?
That sounds like ass.
It’s just the chassis, screen, battery, and keyboard. You would just buy one of their boards separately to go in it, or make one yourself I suppose.