That is the photo Barbara Streisand attempted to have removed from the internet, the effeft gets its name from this event and photo.
That is the photo Barbara Streisand attempted to have removed from the internet, the effeft gets its name from this event and photo.
I think the issue is less the existence of gambling sites, and more the fact that underage gamers are often the target of the sites. An age verification for trading would be the easiest, but Valve has taken a hard stance against collecting identification for any reason. The age verification could come from the websites but that seems very unlikely since the websites are often illegal. If enough countries (especially America) legalized online gambling but required ID verification, the sites may be more likely to implement it, but that is so far of a scenario there really is no prediction.
Control over the finalized product. You can easily shape an ad to have your exact message reach the right people, and have that ad be more attractive. With an influencer sponsorship you do not have as much control over the final product or the audience.
Liberal like Libertarian, actually small government, low inflation, leaving people alone, allegedly.
Welcome to lemmy comments. Someone else incorrectly mentioned the Streisand effect so this guy decided to be cheeky and post just the photo.