It is written into their plan, not a surprise at all “ignore the courts”.
kde, linux, busses, open source and the good old Grateful Dead.
It is written into their plan, not a surprise at all “ignore the courts”.
Ogg at lower bitrates sounded better than mp3 at the same rate. Consumers dont care, but for a lot of game developers the zero patent risk and higher quality shipping with smaller files made Ogg a great choice at the time.
For me? FLACs are the only way… which reminds me, I wonder I can still convert all the SHN (shorten) lossless files I still have. I should get on that before a converter doesn’t exist.
While right on a lot of things, how was windows not shitty from the beginning?
So are they getting a lot out of watching something over and over again?
And yes, no TV is better than any TV. That is a valid adult view, and not idiotic at all. But it really was the over and over again part that I was commenting on.
Maybe it is better than letting them wander all over tiktok and youtube which is much worse.
That itself is sad. Being a good parent might mean finding something better for your kids to do than watching TV.
Yeah but now you have Hulu.I hate that one even more than Disney.
Been there, done that. They did some TV here and there, but not much. They didn’t watch much at all when they were little, certainly not over and over.