Example: Wonder how much the secret service has paid him since 2016. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/481998-trump-hotels-charge-secret-service-up-to-650-per-night-while/
Example: Wonder how much the secret service has paid him since 2016. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/481998-trump-hotels-charge-secret-service-up-to-650-per-night-while/
With full control of the executive, Congressional, and supreme Court, all of this stuff could be done legally. Trump is CHOOSING not to for the sole purpose of extending the power of the executive as has been described by many (Unitary Executive Theory). These senators and representatives would be smart not to cede any power, they will not get it back.
I’ll accept that you like this picture more.
But, I’m going to disagree. This picture is fuzzy and clearly a crop. The picture I posted is more complete, is better framed, has more contemporary context (x card), and most important…I like it more.
Elon musk’s entire persona can be understood once you realize he has been able to shape media to benefit him since this picture was taken.
Many excited share holders too.
Private prisons need to be abolished like the cancer they are.
Rod Blagojevich, the former Democratic governor of Illinois, has also endorsed Trump. Blagojevich tried to sell Barack Obama’s senate seat in 2008 after he was elected president, and he was incarcerated for eight years afterward. His sentence was commuted by Donald Trump during his time in office.
From Aug 2024
It’s that the eugenesist?
To those who don’t remember, this guy was trying to SELL A SEAT IN THE US SENATE!
“I’ve got this thing and it’s fucking golden”
Edit: corrected quote
Val Kilmer lost his voice to throat cancer and made his own.
Also the article points out the controversy in using these, specifically using Anthony Bordains clips to generate things he never said.
I just realized how insane this while thing is.
The worlds richest man has installed himself as America’s fraud watchdog. Finds zero so far, simultaneously winning .4 billion contract for his carbon credit company that makes cars.