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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • I just don’t think this is all due to hippies in the 60s. 🤷‍♂️

    I am sad and disappointed you failed to grasp what I meant in my diatribe of a post and keep pointing to hippies. I knew the moment I typed that word, bam, it would be someones focal point. So this one is on me, mea culpa. Now please, pretty please with cherries on top, stop referring to hippies as being the center point of my argument. You could not distill this from my post, again my mistake, but if you continue referring to hippies as my argument then that is from now on on you.

    Have a good one.

  • No, you misunderstood. The 60’s was a social shock to the conservative system. They responded. And you can complain about conservatives (I know I do) but you have to give it to them on the long term planning bit, they got that on lock.

    The inability to plan, push, execute and claim to keep society ‘left’ was a serious flaw. Conservatives had no such problems, they created systems to alter the course of society. The rise of the religious right in the late 60’s and 70’s influenced the creation of conservative think tanks, for example.

    We are seeing the effects of this conservative push-back till this very day.

    PS: the generation coming out of the 60’ is my parents generation. I find it ironic that a large part of that generation became conservative monsters. They are the very definition of ‘pulling up the ladder’. I have seen it up and close this change and I despise that generation of weaklings.

  • No sources from me but speculation. It’s the decade before, the 60’s where focus was on people, freedom, honest compensation for labor and social equality.

    I know I will get push-back on this, it being perhaps to simple of a theory or me missing key elements. I will die on this hill though, it was the hippies.
    The conservatives around the world got a collective heart attack from the 60’s and what transpired therein and this is when conservatism started to plan on breaking those wild communist activist freeloaders. We can see the effects today still. Mismanagement from the ‘left’ (or better yet, the world at large tbh) to capitalize on the spirit of the 60’ and truly change society. The focus on business and the suppression of those pesky ‘hippies’ and/or ‘communists’ started to gain traction and voila, there is the divide of the two lines somewhere in the 70’s.

    For good measure, I have nothing against the 60’ and hippies, just pointing to these as a ‘shock to the system’ as an explanation for what happened in the 70’s and what we see today.

  • and it is a Labour government bought and paid for by business that is trying to avoid re-nationalisation and that allows the water regulation body to be comprised of ex-water executives

    This statement makes it about Labour and how they are bought and staff the board to game the whole show.
    Sure, Labour has it’s issues but how and why on earth did you mention Labour in your post and yet fail to mention the true villains of this story, the Tories?

    This reeks of modern political discourse; blame left/labour/liberal/woke but conveniently forget to mention it is actually the mostly the right who keeps introducing legislation and laws to undermine the average citizen.

    This is an issue created and matured under the rule of conservatives/Tories. Asking if the other side, i.e. Labour, will ‘fix’ the crap created by Tories is difficult to answer, who knows what the conservatives did at the time? They might have had provisions in the deal that make it much harder to re-nationalize then you or I think. My point is, you are asking the builders if they can re-build the house which was demolished, burned to a cinder and then salted the earth by the previous builders. Yeah, there’s always a possibility to fix things but you best believe the mess created is much, much bigger and problematic than you initially think. And while asking you insinuate the current builder is actually (partially) to blame. My guess is that it will take no effort or time for people to actually believe this crap and fully blame Labour for this fiasco.

    And if you doubt me or find my statements a bit ‘over the rop’, remember there are millions of people who believe Obama should have stopped 911 and Katrina. Yep, that is the US but the principle stands: people are morons.