Agreed, Kendrick Lamar is of course going to have black stage dancers, his music is directly about and influenced by black culture after all.
Agreed, Kendrick Lamar is of course going to have black stage dancers, his music is directly about and influenced by black culture after all.
Definitely this was a way for offshore third parties to give Trump money. Gotta say this is my least favourite use of crypto, but it is also the most valuable use case (for corrupt politicians).
Not sure where you’re from, but that website link is Australian and $150 AUD is about $94 USD at the moment.
Legend. Actually, I saw a comment further up the thread after writing mine. I installed the beta straight away, works great!
Yeah I was thinking about that. Maybe with Saturdays, you might say they are 50% of the weekend (which may be the only time that matters), meaning £1.15 should be refunded lol
Revanced, ublock origin solved the ads issues on android and on the browser.
Anyone have a (free) solution for Google tv?
At a rate of 1100 per day, they would have deported about 1.6 million by the end of Trump’s 4 year term, which is a little more than 10% of the undocumented immigrants in the USA. Thats assuming a 100% deportation rate and assuming every single day is on par with ICEs current best day.
I think it’s likely that Trump will increase the spend on ICE to increase these numbers if he hopes to make a significant dent.
It’s closed source, so how can you really know what Apple are or are not doing? I don’t know if publicly available external audits are done on Apples software, but I doubt it.
To think I’d upvote a swastika picture… but here we are.