But it will make me mildly uncomfortable! /s
But it will make me mildly uncomfortable! /s
There also are multiple rivers with danu root, that also means river: danube, donets, don. People aren’t exceptionally good at naming in general, so “hill” hill and “river” river. 😄
They didn’t, a lot of shared places, or land features have different names in differsnt languages and different places. Agreements happen when something either didn’t have a name before, or when the name came from the past.
clapping intensifies
Interesting, it might be just different or depend on what sense is more dominant. I can feel imaginary smells, but never felt imaginary taste.
Last time I had a problem with ceph losing data was during 0.10, does it still happen?
Gluster is shit really bad, garage and minio are great. If you want something tested and insanely powerful go with ceph, it has everything. Garage is fine for smaller installations, and it’s very new and not that stable yet.
But it’s not a picture of your mother (also qUaRaN forbids depictions of people) it’s a book of random bullshit made by a warlord thousand years ago. And noone defaced nothing in front of anyone their point was that muslims allowed to ignore laws and try to use some savage “laws” to punish people that disagree with them.
Beetroot juice and beetroot based dishes, pikled lemons and other citrus fruits, sweet meat.
I like to experiment with food in general, try some old recipes like before american vegetables old.