Well that’s… dedication! Damnit I’m gonna have to watch that now…
Well that’s… dedication! Damnit I’m gonna have to watch that now…
Right? Like, seriously, we all know somebody is just butthurt because their stock options tanked.
Oh, wait, I’m sorry! That was very unpatriotic of me, wasn’t it? I mean, we all know that winning an election guarantees being heavily rewarded with insider trading, right? It’s not like they’re there to represent constituents or anything; I mean, doesn’t everyone know we’re a republic, not a democracy?!
They’re people, not property. If you’re afraid of your kid growing up to be anybody other than who you think they should be, then you’re a worthless coward.
Honestly such a weak argument. Having helped my uncircumcised son learn to keep himself clean, I can probably say this myth needs to be laid to rest already. It’s just not true.
Yeah well I revoke your permission to grant permission.