German federal intelligence agency:
“First Time?”
Edit: Sorry, forgot to mention: There appears to be no English translation for the second link. :(
German federal intelligence agency:
“First Time?”
Edit: Sorry, forgot to mention: There appears to be no English translation for the second link. :(
I do not have an English translation but in this interview a lieutenant general of the German Bundeswehr says that they are observing that not all new supplies are being pushed to the Ukrainian front lines and instead new stockpiles are being created.
My personal expectation is that Putin will attempt one more push in Ukraine once mud season is over, take what he can get and then agree to another peace deal (Minsk 3 anyone?). He will then take some time to restructure and reinforce the military before again “coming to the aid of suppressed Russian minorities”, this time in places like Georgia, Moldova or Armenia. Ukraine is off the table because they will use the time to reinforce as well.
Doesn’t have to be Gitmo. I recommend reading Little Brother and according to one hacker, so does the NSA.
Not that I am arguing for simply rolling over but:
Come screw with my first constitutional rite, and my iron clad citizenship.
When push comes to shove, they won’t give a flying fuck about a piece of paper that says they can’t do that. Just ask anyone who’s been to Gitmo on either side of the bars.
On second thought… yeah.
We happily take the blame for WW2, but WW1 is on Austria!
*hurrdurr* Germany! Hitler! *hurrdurr*
Yes, that’s because the owner of feddit.de disappeared during what we assume was a business trip to Asia. I still hope he found personal peace of mind in some remote Buddhist monastery but truth is we got no idea what happened.
Anyway, the instance broke down and even the Domain is now gone. feddit.org is the replacement.
I am not sure how to interpret your response. Do you mean I do not know that Valve as a private company does have shareholders?
Valve is a private company, so depending on who owns a majority of the shares, not much might change after Gabens earthly demise.
Both, whatever we can build faster, whatever makes it easier to reduce coal and oil. It shouldn’t be an either-or decision.
You are kind of contradicting yourself. Because in both aspects nuclear energy looses to renewables: They are faster and less complex to build. Easier to maintain and dispose of if necessary.
Also, nuclear is not a fossil fuel, you can debate if it is renewable or not, but nuclear fuel is not made from compressed organic matter.
Ok, if you want to split hairs, yes nuclear energy is not fossil but also then there are also no renewables because the energy in the universe is for all we know finite.
Not sure, maybe from the posts where everybody argues that Nuclear is so much better than coal but totally missing the point that yes, it’s better than coal, but so much worse than renewables.
Fossil fuels are killing this planet before your very eyes.
And the only way to save it is nuclear power? Every thread about this topic makes it look this way.
Thing is: Fossil fuels are killing our planet NOW. Spending 10+ years to build a new state-of-the-art nuclear power plant is simply too slow. Just take the money and dump it into technology that’s already available at short notice: Solar, wind, geothermal and tons and tons of battery storage. I’m not sure about the situation in other countries, but here in Germany there isn’t even a permanent storage site for the nuclear waste we ALREADY produced let alone one for which we’d produce in the future.
Additional factor for not going nuclear in Europe: Do you know which country exports the most fissile material around us? It starts with an R and ends with ussia.
Germany checking in: He shouldn’t throw stones sitting in a glass house.
Perfect to get the collective confidence back on its feed after getting a literal bloody nose in Ukraine.
Two for the price of one. That’s a bargain!