Except no one responded to him killing the CEO of UHC. They didn’t change a thing except to start going after people for defamation.
Except no one responded to him killing the CEO of UHC. They didn’t change a thing except to start going after people for defamation.
Those people aren’t included in my statement
Nitrogen suffocation is the way, as long as you use a chamber instead of a mask like that botched execution a while back
And the morons who didn’t vote against him
He looks like he’s been submerged in water for a few weeks.
Shopify only dropped him because they didn’t think he’d actually ship the swastika shirts, not because he was selling the swastika shirts.
They’re special little snowflakes
Add in wanting to gut VA benefits and they’re pissing off a bunch of trained killers.
The drug dog hit on my car right before Christmas break senior year. It hit on my box of Claritin D, so I let them search it. They used tweezers to pick flakes of what they called weed out of the floorboards, and I got sent to alternative school for 19 weeks.
Well, the school handbook said that the max punishment was 6 weeks, so we appealed it. The principal and superintendent were new and wanted to make an example of me, so that was a bust.
At the same time, I had submitted all of my stuff for my Eagle Scout rank, but still hadn’t had the final board of review.
Right before our school board meeting, we got a call from one of the member’s wives. This school board member was also the scout master, and he hated me. She said that my behavior wasn’t befitting of an Eagle Scout, and if we kept appealing they’d revoke it, and those few flakes of weed would turn into 2 ounces (felony possession).
Jokes on them, though. In alternative school they just sent all of my work for the rest of the year, so I did it in like 3 weeks and didn’t have to go anymore. I did have to shake that board members hand when I graduated, though.
And? Nothing is going to happen about it.
For now.
No one deserves it, but I have a hard time finding any sympathy for people who want to use legislation to hurt others.
They don’t consider her a person
That’s the point
Yes, but without the hiring back part.
Universal Healthcare
No amount of CEO assassinations is going to change their behavior.
You can find some sort of overlap between any two things. Two things having a few things in common doesn’t justify saying both things are the same.
He straight up said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and no one would do a thing. It’s one of the few things he was right about
You’re making the mistake of thinking they plan on obeying existing laws.
He didn’t enable it, he orchestrated it. His actions were instrumental in getting us here.
Don’t minimize his involvement.