I really don’t understand why they made this disease into such a political thing. Like what’s even the point? The disease is going to spread and kill people nonetheless, so why exploit it as a political divider?
I really don’t understand why they made this disease into such a political thing. Like what’s even the point? The disease is going to spread and kill people nonetheless, so why exploit it as a political divider?
Canada dropped pennies years ago…
Oh wow. That’s bad. Basically let people break the law and just keep pardoning them as they go along.
Watch the Trump-leaning congress amend the constitution.
No I mean student loans are sold as investment bundles.
I thought they already did?
Is that tinfoil hat comfortable?
Use a VPN. Problem solved.
One thing we need to mention is funding.
While BlueSky may benefit from venture capital, free (as in beer) open source projects where user data is not commercially exploited for revenue do not have the same benefit. They rely a LOT on donations for running the infrastructure and for the hours and hard work that people are putting in.
That thing still exists?