Other people actually giving a damn enough to do something other than post about it. I protested in the past and absolutely nobody gave a shit and it had zero effect. I don’t even think the protest was covered on the news.
I suspect that for any average American (or even a single digit percentage of them) to bother getting involved things are going to have to get extremely bad.
The democrats were this ineffective during the GWB era as well. Then after America gets sick of Republicans because their policy is terrible and predictably causes calamities of varying magnitudes, only the people who didn’t go along for the ride with the Republicans thrive politically afterwards.
For instance, one of Obama’s main draws in the 2008 primaries was the dude wasn’t drawn into being pro-Iraq invasion.
The feeble wimps will all be seen as such if this era ever ends, and the public will turn to whomever consistently opposed the petard throwing before it hoists the one who threw it.