Yeah that’s because the U.S. doesn’t have the production capacity to support its steel demands. We import something like 20% of the steel we use, and it’s mostly from our neighbors, which these fucking dumbasses are pissing off for zero benefit.
Yeah that’s because the U.S. doesn’t have the production capacity to support its steel demands. We import something like 20% of the steel we use, and it’s mostly from our neighbors, which these fucking dumbasses are pissing off for zero benefit.
Plot twist: The crop is human misery.
People buy magnets and tape them to their body because they think it cures cancer.
Why would these people use free Internet when premium luxury deluxe Internet is available for only .99¢ a month.
And then why wouldn’t PLDI, Inc founder not use his influence to get elected president and kill that bad public Internet.
He doesn’t have rationale.
He could just pass laws to require more steel production, even subsidise it, which would work faster and not be painful, but that kind of planning and forward thinking are beyond a conservative.