3 days agoI deleted my last account on another instance and started a new one. So technically I’m not really NEW. But to answer your question, I wanna die.
I deleted my last account on another instance and started a new one. So technically I’m not really NEW. But to answer your question, I wanna die.
Oh, dang. From the top turnbuckle!
I was being facetious. I make joke.
That’s what Trump does. He claims others are cheating and doing the thing that he actually does.
Twenty Billion Dollars!!!
So, what? Biden stole the election first. That means he can do it this time. Probably.
not meant to be taken seriously or literally:
a facetious remark.
amusing; humorous.
lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous:
a facetious person.
I hereby claim that the law was broken! Arrest Elon!
Probably 5