restricting people’s bodily autonomy and healthcare so that they are dying in the streets of the US is not “performative nonsense”.
there was US legislation passed by extremists that restricts civil liberties and takes away the rights of women in the United States, and women are dying and becoming extremely ill as a result.
If women’s rights are restricted in that country, then so should be the men’s.
“That’s not what I said”
That’s literally what you said, that restricting bodily autonomy through legislation was a performance piece.
If the religious extremists are going to restrict women’s civil rights and bodily autonomy, the rational lawmakers should also be restricting men’s civil rights and bodily autonomy.
this is a very practical solution.
“Two wrongs don’t make a right”
that isn’t what’s happening.
they are fighting fire with fire.
they are backburning to stop the wildfire destroying civil rights because of religious extremists and oligarchs that have been elected or appointed.
“Since you’re so sure this isn’t purely performative”
it isn’t. this legislation prohibiting female bodily autonomy already happened.
raped children are being forced to keep their rape babies.
women are dying in the parking. lots of hospitals.
they are being bounty hunted for seeking medical care.
That’s not performative. those are real life effects of these people. you want to allow to steal civil rights, including basic human dignity.
shame on you.