A middle-aged nerd from the UK. I like films and write about them, sometimes for Film Stories or my blog.
Have a great day.
From what I remember, the second one is a lot of fun. I certainly remember the part where Elton John showed up, and we thought that was hilarious.
Yeah, the director, Gareth Edwards, was like, “What’s this!?” And as you say, it was a marketing idea. It is a cool shot though.
The Rogue One trailer’s feature quite a lot of deleted footage, especially as there were reshoots to change the ending. Some trailers feature footage of Jinn and the gang running across the beach and if you look closely, she has the Death Star data hard drive in her hand. This is taken from the original end action sequence. There are quite a few YouTube videos that pull out all the footage from the marketing and show what didn’t end up in the finished film.
slaps forehead of course it was! Duh!
There have been trailers that contain a lot of missing scenes because they’re put together before the final cut off the film has been created.
I remember Josh Trank’s version of Fantastic Four features a scene where the Thing jumps out of the back of a cargo plane and lands in a military base. Nothing close to that happens in the film.
Downsizing. What happened there? That looked really interesting from the trailer but turned out quite dull.
Well, I think we’ve seen highlights of every action sequence going. Thanks Marvel. I expect that Dishwasher joke would’ve been funnier if you hadn’t shown it to us first in the trailer.
I don’t really understand this remake trend of cartoon to live action. At least Dragon has the same director for each. Surely it can’t be completely the same, this would be an opportunity to improve things and play it out a little different.
That’s crazy. I can only assume this is a low budget set of films? Has there been a trilogy of films released in this way before? I.e. all completed before anyone has seen the first film?
The only ones that come to mind but don’t really fit the criteria are Back to the Future: Parts 2 & 3. Also, Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions.
Calm down please, this isn’t Reddit. Thank you.
May I offer:
UKFilmNerd’s Blog: The musings of a film nerd.
Slight confession, since October, I’ve only written one review due to life/work issues but hopefully in a few weeks this will change.
When everything is optimal, I usual put out three to four reviews every two weeks.
(This is because I’m in a hotel 7 days in a row for work. What else am I going to do! 😆)
Don’t be afraid to nose around the site, there’s years worth of content. You could even see how well writing improves/gets worse (delete as applicable 😂) over the years.