Dang I misspelled it. Raison d’etre, from French, meaning “reason for being”. Probably couldn’t use it in Scrabble.
Dang I misspelled it. Raison d’etre, from French, meaning “reason for being”. Probably couldn’t use it in Scrabble.
Likely. Not sure.
I worked with someone who defended Kanye for like a year after he went publicly apeshit. Probably up until at least 2019 when I last spoke to him on the topic. He just kept claiming that it was so unfair that Kanye was getting judged as an off-meds mentally ill person suffering. Which I would get, as long as he wasn’t hurting other people. But that’s been the motherfucker’s raison-etre for a while now.
Actually useful?
It’s apparently encouraged even
Thank you Democrat spiters. You totally succeeded. The genocide was halted entirely. /s
But also this phone still works perfectly, it’s like the day I bought it after the new battery.
Interesting. I always have heard and had the experience that eventually updates make the phone worse.
I first read that as “unfold on the toilet”
Pretty sure 4g was widely supported starting like 15 years ago, so newish doesn’t seem the right word.
Pop OS is excellent. You wouldn’t really know it’s created by a corporation. It’s basically just the build they run on their hardware but I’ve not seen anything in it like ads or anything limiting my freedom. My perception of it is that it’s just a more friendly and (snap-free) Ubuntu and I concur with those saying Nvidia is smoother on it. It does have a modified gnome but coming in the near future is their own DE called cosmic which seems promising. If it ends up being bad I will probably just switch to fedora even though Debian based distros are more supported. Been loving fedora on my new laptop
The accelerationist fucks can all get fucked. We told you spreading anti-democratic sentiment and allowing those doing so to lie on social media would lead to shit like this but no, we had to be told we love genocide and be otherwise dismissed. We were fucking right and any rational, un brainwashed person could see it.
Inb4 “oh you can’t allow any criticism of Democrats. Duopoly, fascist. GeNoCiDe bLuE mAgA blahhh”.
Yeah we all can and certainly should be unloading criticism on democrats but when you’re headed to a country-ending election you are an irresponsible idiot if you can’t do it with the caveat that it’s extremely important to vote against trump. We’re reaping what these idiots sowed and it probably will mostly hurt society’s most vulnerable.
I did say probably