Look up how IBM, Coca Cola and Volkswagen (among many, many other companies that are very much still established to this day) got their boom-times during WW2 by supporting both the allies and the fash at the same time. They profited from everything that happened, in every way, and continue to do so.
Fascism is good for business, so to speak.
You really seem to know what you’re talking about so I probably don’t have to link you to the article about Fanta which Coca-Cola (as you say, listed on the US Stock Exchange) made the “drink of the nazis” and profited bigtime from.
IBM had major contracts with the nazis and developed some of the earliest rudimentary card computing tech to keep track of all the interred jews in the camps. I bet you knew that as well. IBM wouldn’t be around today without those contracts and that early tech (and the money it brought in).
What the actual fuck do you have against potted plants that you would use that as an insult anyway.