Hell if you aren’t able to save anything you will definitely be heading for bum status when you get old enough that you can’t work. Holding on to being able to own something is an investment in not descending into desperate poverty later.
I picked this out because it illustrates how utterly fucked up our system is, because we need housing to be:
Expensive, because it’s the default retirement investment vehicle for the working classes.
Cheap, so that young people just starting out can buy it.
See a problem?
Honestly, I think that we the people need to assert our own right to name things more often. I don’t recall the latest name of the Brewers stadium in Milwaukee, for example. Whatever company that paid to have them put its name on the front didn’t pay me. It’s “the new County Stadium” as far as I’m concerned.
(I have no philosophical objection to the name, by the way. Reps of the new company can DM me, we can work out a deal.)