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Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • those-prophecies would be fulfilled, simply because it isn’t religion that makes them come-true,

    rather, it is hitting the industrial-revolutions-sequence, while still no-more-mature-than-the-Animals-&-Tribes-Time-people-of-the-past that makes them come true…

    So, I think the same kind of pophecies could be dropped into ALL worlds who hit the industrious-empire stage, which enables the future industrial-revolutions-sequence, & in most, if not all of those worlds, the same “fulfilling of prophecies” would happen…

    So, to me it’s a psychoevolution-system structural-consequence of unconscious-mind problems, not in any way tied to “this” or “that” religion.

    The specific “religions”/ideologies/prejudices are just … “makeup”, to be honest, on the fundamental-unconscious-ignorance-breaking-world-to-prove-that-it-is-“GOD”.

    A tantrum, in other words.

    A world-breaking tantrum, to break god & make god OBEY the breaker-of-world-life.

    THAT is what’s fundamentally going-on.

    Have you got it in you to face into your own unconscious-mind darkness, & FORCE it into breaking, FORCE the total-you into growing-up, shattering/destroying all “identities” in you, until successful?

    Boot-camp which never ends, in other words…

    That is what Consequences, aka karma, are forcing into/on humankind, this-next-century.

    Will humankind survive?

    A remnant may…

    IF the upright earns that result, & IF the upright have sufficient strength, in the world

    ( same as with cancer: if the cancer has taken-over ALL systems in one’s body, then the best one can hope-for is a good-death.

    However, if one digs-in quick-enough, systematically-enough, strongly-enough, strategically-enough, not-sacrificing-what-cannot-be-lost, like brain, then surviving becomes possible.

    Humankind’s now in this exact situation: what cannot be saved, what can, what NEED get done to enforce that humankind CAN continue-living… )

    Sorry to be thorough/rigorous, unlike MSM, but “profitable stampeding” is what got humankind into this shit, in the 1st place.

    Humankind’s survivors need to be centering on objective-and-spiritual-pragmatism, right now, & unbreakably, until this is all finished.

    No matter how bad it gets.

    _ /\ _

  • Your use of “in 10 years” is incorrect: in 10 years, there will only be 4 meaningful-factions left on this world, the “Russian Empire”, which is then actually just a decorative-cloth-glove for the CCP, as Putin’s inability to understand anything not centered on him, has already made Russia the economic vassal-state of China, & his doing that well-broadcast teleconference-with-Jinping during Trump’s inaugeration-day, was Jinping getting Putin put-down some, so that he’d be more-controllable-by-Jinping…

    That Trump is now sucking-up-to his mentor-of-multiple-decades ( read The Kremlin Papers stuff, on The Guardian, if you want, or Solnit’s stuff identifying how sooo many of his top-people are tied to the kremlin, also on The Guardian, a news-source who recently fired many?most? of their journalists, prefering to be more-profitible, & more aligned with their new-owners… no real/actual Journalism left, only corporate-partisanship, eh?

    I remember when NONE of the so-called “Journalism” reported on the actual-election-results in the Phillipines was happening…

    after the beginning, suddenly polling-station after polling-station was reporting exactly identical “2/3rds of all votes are for Marcos”…

    & NONE of the “Journalism” of the West considered that to be news??

    Traitors, all of 'em )

    & has now been in-power for exactly 1 month ( 20th of Feb, as I write this, morning… )

    I guarantee you that there won’t be more than 4 factions left in 1 decade…

    • “Russian Empire”
    • CCP
    • MBS
    • remnant-of-NATO, with the US of A completely-destroyed by its Civil War Part2

    A former-spy named John Braddock has 3 books on understanding/thinking, in adverse contexts…

    The 1 thing that makes me recommend his 3 books, in spite of the nauseating-to-me trance-induction-writing of his ( “Ten Types of Human” also demonstrates trance-induction-writing mode, & also is an important read, for any who care about the meanings in it )

    is that he identifies the real-truth about strategy:

    There are 3 categories of “games”:

    • Postive-Sum games
    • Zero-Sum games
    • Negative-Sum games

    IF you don’t know which of those 3 your-opponent is playing, THEN you’re incompetent at strategy, within the context your-life is caught-in.

    The most-important book on strategy other than Braddock’s books, is “Playing to Win”, by Lafley, on the 5 dimensions of strategy that HAVE to be got-right, to win, strategically…

    But … IF you don’t understand that your-opponent is playing a nihilist-game, a negative-sum-game, wherein their being “kings” of the world, while intentionally butchering/annihilating ALL others’ chances, where that is the whole point, THEN you are living entirely-in Hopium, with no traction, whatsoever.

    WHEN you see a violent/aggressive phase rabid-animal running to kill your child, you do not go & have sociopolitical-debates with it, to try to make it feel “belonging” with your sociopolitical faction: you kill it, as directly as you can, accepting that its condition is beyond reason.

    Some humans, including mass-shooters/murdercide-bombers, & other narcissist-ideologues/prejudice-enforces/“religion”-enforcers, are unreachable-by-reason, & either are dealt-with as the actually-are, XOR are allowed to take as many other-lives down with them, as they can…

    Humankind will be spending the next … less-than-decade … finding-out that this is true.

    Once it’s too-late, & there’s NO US of A left, THEN the BRICS-axis would be incompetent to fail to launch everything they’ve got against the West’s lives, to take all the opportunity that they can: it’s basic military pragmatism.

    I’m expecting that to happen, the actual conflagration-of-the-world in global war ( not nuclear-inferno, but 1/2-century of war-of-attrition ), to begin sometime between 2031 & 2035, but I think it begins early, not late ( that obviously depends on how-long-it-takes for Trump to convert from wounded-narcissist to no-humanity-left-psychopath-with-absolutely-coherent-instinct, which I believe will take from now to 2028-ish, -/+ 1 year ).

    In between now & the actual-beginning-of-the-conflagration-of-the-world, is the setting-up-of-that, which is when the fascist-alliance ( Trump, Putin, Orban, Millei, Germany’s AfD, Canada’s Poilievre, Farage in England, etc ), pull the world into obeying their global-alliance/network’s power, AND China obliterates independence/autonomy from Asia ( India, having relied on “king” Modi’s “Russia will save us from China” “strategy”, is hosed: Russia won’t lift a finger to save India from China, as CCP has its noose around Russia’s neck, already, thanks to Putin’s war against Ukraina ), & MBS, once his dad dies, will wipe independence/autonomy off the map from the entire Middle-East & African region.

    ( Israel’s playing right exactly into Hamas’s hand: Hamas, whether unconsciously or consciously, intentionally-sacrificed the entire Palestinian-people as bait, in order to get Israel’s nihilist-sadism on-display enough, & Israel took that bait, & is in the process of converting all Arabs into “martyrs” against the psychopathic-rampaging of Israel ( video of an IDF soldier using a Palestinian small-child for recreational-target-practice is exactly how you manufacture “I don’t care if I’m killed: they have to be annihilated from the world, at ANY cost!” motivation.

    Israel’s incompetent at understanding that “deterrent” actually requires that the opponent feel deterred!!

    No matter: the Christians have, in their Matt 24, a prophecy that Israel will be outright-annihilated, & Eitan Bar identified that 6 times has the annihilation-of-Israel been attempted, & their-own bible ( some book which begins with “J”, iirc, not book-of-Jacob, since apparently that doesn’t exist, but one of 'em ) identifies that 7 nations did Israel genocide/holocaust/put-to-The-Final-Solution, back in the biblical-times…

    Consider that!

    Israel holocausted 7 nations, & that is its “validity” & its identity, & now 6 times annihilating-them has been attempted, & now Hamas has set-up an absolutely-infallible 7th annihilation, which is going to succeed, before global-conflagration!

    7 annihilations-enforced, then 7 annihilations received, the last one being fatal…

    That looks just a little too perfect to be “mere coincidence”, to me: that looks like “karma” XOR “hand of G-D”, whichever-label your-culture prefers…

    Anyways, there isn’t going to be any Israel, during the global-conflagration portion of this-century, thanks to the nihilist-sadism of Israel’s taking the bait that Hamas put in their face.

    True-addicts can be witnessed while they destroy their-own lives, but they cannot be “saved” from their own instinct/intention.

    This, of course, will enforce on the surviving-Jews, a catastrophic-recalibration: G-D didn’t mean geopolitical-“Zion”, did G-D mean the inner-mountain??

    … shrug …

    Every “believer” in the world is going to either be converted to objectivity-rooted spirituality, XOR they’re just going to die living-in their belief-worship.

    THAT is the true-nature of this-entire-remaining-century… )

    So, Trump’s implimenting his Project 2025, same as Hitler did his-equivalent, & it’s already too-late to save the US of A … the Confederate/Nazi reverse-takeover was successful!

    Instead of living in Hopium, *intentionally set-up your surviving the remains of the US of A’s life!

    the US’s “GEOTUS” ( stands-for “God, Emperor of the United States”, & if you search Wikipedia for GEOTUS, you will be landed on the Trump page, but the search-result-statistics won’t show any GEOTUS page: they altered the search-logic of wikipedia to hide that they were providing this result*.

    The US’s “GEOTUS” isn’t playing for a long-lived empire:

    he’s playing for the intentional complete-destruction-of-all-others, so he gets to be the only “possessor” left, when the country’s corpsed.

    Negative-Sum game.

    Who will own South America?

    China’s working on it, through their Belt & Road Initiative…

    the West certainly isn’t.

    That will be militarily-significant, in WW3: BRICS will own those resources, & the remains of NATO won’t, if things continue as they are…

    “Penny wise, but pound foolish”, in Western, that is “cent wise, but dollar foolish”…

    “winning the battle, but through doing-so, losing the war”

    That is the “strategy” of the West.

    The fundamental-problem, however, is that we’ve been gaslighting ourselves for centuries:

    Representative-republic ISN’T what democracy means: democracy means the rightful-&-competent-citizens-vote-on-the-actual-issues.

    Representative-republic never was democracy: it is 1x removed from democracy, & that is without even adding-in lobbying/bribing, or “the electoral college”, or any other “leverages”…

    Being ruled by the intersection of political-motivation’s-“parties”, AND moneyarchy, AND legalism-their-prybar, while gaslighting ourselves about this being “democracy” … wasn’t either wise, or intelligent.

    Or strategic, for that matter.

    No matter: EITHER a subset of humankind holds unbreakingly to the intersection of responsibility-archy & merit-archy ( IF you haven’t earned your transport-pilot’s-license, THEN you aren’t permitted to command the helm of any transport-aircraft!! IF you haven’t proven your competence in considered-reasoning, THEN you aren’t competent for either holding-civil-authority, or for voting!! NO ideology has any right to highjack our countries, exactly as no-amount of viruses-of-HIV has the “right” to destroy the human-life it’s highjacking, either! Cancer hasn’t rights, & neither has any ideology/prejudice/“religion”! )

    XOR … humankind’s going to be totally extinguished, within 1 century.

    The Great Filter.

    Comically, I believe that you could drop the same set-of-prophecies ( that the Abrahamic apocalyptic-religions did ) into ANY world which just reached its industrious-empire/Roman-empire-equivalent, & about 2 millenia later,


  • Knowing what’s really going-on, in this world, as unconscious-mind’s imprint->reaction mind tries to smash all considered-reasoning from having ANY say in the world, aka The Great Filter,

    I’d not be surprised if Trump threatened to outright-nuke Ukraina for disobeying his agreement with Putin.

    People are fools to think that sociopathy-psychopathy isn’t running the world, now, calling the real shots.

    The fascist-nihilist network actually wants all others butchered, & they want to have fun during the roller-coaster-ride as they preside-over/enforce it, as the ruling “kings”.

    NEVER mistake an opponent playing a negative-sum-game ( nihilist-sadists, e.g. ) for an opponent who is playing a zero-sum-game ( narcissists ), or an opponent who is playing a positive-sum-game ( win-win alliance ).

    Fatal folly is worthless, as “strategy”.

  • Sorry, but the ideological-split in the US is such that no-more-than 2/3 of the US could be siding with Nazis.

    No matter how convenient, it isn’t wise karma to be oversimplifying & labeling everybody-in-a-country as being on 1 ideological side.

    Same with Israel, where the good people are finding they cannot speak truth openly, & live in fear…

    Same with the US…

    Same with all countries which go that route.

    In WW2 there were Germans, in Germany, who worked to dismantle/end Nazi rule, for Germany, & they were loyal to their values. 1 book on that is named, iirc, “An Honorable Defeat”.

    Ignoring actual-diversity, for ideological oversimplification, makes one into part-of-the-same-problem, objectively…

    non-thinking, only reacting, just like Nazis…

    Whatever: I don’t expect more than 100 million or 150 million to survive US Civil War Part2’s completion, maybe that’s waaay too optimistic, but given that about 2/3 of the US’s voters are good with male-supremacism & white-supremacism, it’s going to be the most huge & vicious civil war this planet’s seen in awhile, with more guns in it than any previous one ( nearly-all owned by the Trump-side of it, too )…

    maybe I shouldn’t expect more than 50 million to survive it…

    going to be a very-bad next-decade, on this continent…

    … sigh …

    _ /\ _

  • Trump apparently doesn’t let Ukraina have any say in the negotiations, only a take-it-or-leave-it between Trump’s determined “settlement” or continued-war, possibly with Trump backing Russia, as the alternative…

    EU cannot make Trump play by “the rules”.

    As some have, through the years, pointed-out: when some guy with a gun, who seems to be spazzing on drugs, accosts you & demands you cooperate with him…

    the rules are quite different from the normal-social-rules…

    Trump’s going to be in power until the US is completely-destroyed, in Civil War Part2 ( which should begin -/+ 1y of the won’t-be-allowed-to-remove-Trump 2028 election, so there should be nothing-left of usable US of A by … 2032? ).

    Same as with Assad: either he is king/lord, XOR there’s nothing-left-for-anybody.

    & he’s got the whole machinery, CIA, NSA, military, everything, backing him,

    & with all the civil-rights-loyal people quitting as quickly as they can, in protest, so that his authority becomes as unfettered as can be, as quickly as possible…

    ( anti-strategy, but natural, of course )

    What he actually-can-do, isn’t what the “rule books” allow…

    _ /\ _

  • Trump used to be Putin’s apprentice, now he has enough assumed-power that he can boss Putin around, even with whatever it is that Putin’s got on him.

    The relationship is reversing, if not already-reversed.

    Trump’s spoken admiration of Putin’s openly murdering anyone who gets in his way is still not-yet-tested, in the US, but it is going to be, within 5y.


    ( there won’t be any 2028 election, which would be to remove Trump, so US Civil War Part2 begins -/+ 1y of 2028, roughly.

    as Catholics say: “dog in the manger-ism”: if he can’t possess the US of A, exclusively, then NOBODY can, & he’ll make-certain that, like Assad, there’s simply nothing-left of it, when he can’t )

    Voters had their chance, & they decided they weren’t responsible, so, … they won’t have the right-to-vote in the future.

    Trump did promise his followers that they wouldn’t have to vote, anymore…

    Trump’s rising, Putin’s becoming helpless, as Trump & China own/control more & more & more in-spite-of Putin’s dwindling power, it seems…

    China wants Russia to be just a decorative cloth glove on CCP’s fist, or a vassal-state.

    Modi, in India, bet the farm on Russia’s protecting India from China…

    both got played, & lost.

    Exactly as Russia spending money on North Korean troops who haven’t even got the competence to avoid being out in the open ( & therefore they keep just getting shot ) was another surprise for Russia…

    I think it was China who put Putin up to the televised/advertised teleconference-between-China-&-Russia when Trump’s inaugeration was going-on: that was a slap-in-the-face to Trump, putting Putin down… which was to China’s advantage…

    Russia may be only a puppet-nation, now, for Trump & China, with a few more months of work…

    ( think of how it would be to China’s advantage to have “Russia” butchering-up Eastern Europe, taking the blame, weakening NATO, etc, so that when the real push-comes-to-shove, all that has been settled in BRICS’s favor, with Russia bearing the blame, NOT China… disposable puppet-nations are useful, in the game of geopolitics )

    _ /\ _

  • it isn’t a “trade war”, it’s an operation to force Canada into bankruptcy, so that it can be claimed & the people currently populating Canada suddenly become “illegal aliens in America”, & deported.

    The Liberal Party handed Trump the near-bankruptcy of Canada, & now all Trump has to do is finish the job.

    He meant it when he identified that he wants Greenland, Canada, Panama, etc, as possessions…

    he’s got the clout, & neither political-parties nor moneyarchy cares, really, who the current string-pullers are: all they care about is that nobody & nothing compete successfully with political-parties or with moneyarchy, respectively, so they have that as their alliance…

    Oligarchy, lobbying owning the “representatives”, & political-parties which couldn’t put national-health 1st if it was ordered by G-D.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if, in a future escalation, he put sanctions on any corporation or country which did significant trade with Canada, just to enforce the collapse, that his guns could then come in “saving”.

    “war by other means” is all it is.

    Same as his not bothering allowing Ukraina to have any say in the negotiations over Ukraina’s release from Russia’s genocide-war…

    it’s normal, now, this kind of only-authoritarianism-has-any-say “governing”, in the countries “rising”…

    Considered-reasoning’s being extinguished, globally: only extremism’s going to remain, within 3 years?

    it’s looking more & more like that…

    _ /\ _

  • rather, the male-supremacists & the passive-white-supremacists voted against Harris, handing the victory to Trump.

    The Dems living-in-Hopium, Biden hanging-on-too-long, gutting Harris’s opportunity, etc, didn’t help any, but the root on-the-ground-truth, is that no boomers, nor any machos, were voting for any nonwhite woman president, & that swung the votes FAR harder than the left-press was willing to believe.

    G-D itself sees, its law ( what a Soul/Continuum sows, that-specific-Soul/Continuum reaps, no matter what, still is Universal LAW, though, so … this world chose to “blow its brains out” through its anti-accountability/anti-responsibility addiction, & that is going to be playing-out through the rest of this century, until it’s all done ) sees/enforces objectively, so no-matter-what-believers-pretend, objectivity’s getting enforced.

    Objectivity is the single “religion” that all ideologies/prejudices/“religions” prohibit from being valid.

    Who’s bigger: Universe or collective-human-ignorance??

    Natural Selection’s going to display the truth…

    Universe moves-on, & if we won’t grow-up, then we haven’t any place left in Universe.

    Show me ANY faction who holds that truth to be their center?

    Just as a herd of herdbeasts who stampede off a cliff don’t get Universe’s “undoing” that, so they can have a special extra-chance … we don’t either.

    Countless worlds, strewn through coundless universes-of-this-kind, in an endless-stream…

    Our narcissism is the root-problem: “God revolves around us: God is going to glorify us, God exempted us ( only this-faction! ) from having to grow-up! We only have to be making-believing!”

    is humankind’s most-normal answer.

    Ever tried arguing with a junkie who’s nearly-dead, about saving their life instead of taking more “junk”?

    Humankind’s behaving like that junkie…

    Sometimes you just have to let-go, witness, & move-on…

    _ /\ _

  • Anybody who believes that Trump will tolerate any 2028-election to toss him out from power … is foolish.

    Sorry, but it’s true.

    The 2024-election was the FINAL chance the Dems had, & the fluffed themselves in their Hopium, & when it failed, they make-believe that they’re somehow going to be “allowed” to take the country back, later??


    It’s too late.

    Construct survival in the actual remaining-context, & then US Civil War Part2 ( which should begin around 2028, -/+ 1y ) will be more-survivable.

    Remain within Hopium, & … getting butchered in the coming tsunami-of-violence in North America becomes starkly more-likely.

    I’d prefer people be realists, & survive…


    _ /\ _

  • Aviation, Shipping, Telecom, there’s loads of regulations in the EU…

    it isn’t the existence of regulations in the EU that annoys me, as standards, when done right, massively-reduce the “tax” of needless-waste, & needless-harm, …

    … rather, it is the standards being decided by things other than globally-elegant effectiveness & globally-elegant efficiency.

    Politics has NO proper place in government, yet humankind has handed the world to be outright-RULED by the coalition between political-machiavellianism-of-parties & moneyarchy, using their friend legalism for leverage against Justice ( the fight between legalism & moral-law is millenia-old ), & now physical-force/bullets has sided with the extremists of all sides, to “help” the world resolve to their victory, too…

    Sooo many dimensions of this stuff going-on, now…

    Anti-strategy, all of that.

    No matter: The Great Filter should finish doing its thing by the end of this century, & if anybody is left alive, then they will have grown-up, completely, as a population.

    if, though…

    … sigh …

    _ /\ _

    1. I’m claiming that it isn’t category-logic that is valid, it is degree-in-a-spectrum logic that is valid.

    Believing that only Good™ & Bad™ are the only possible-conditions is false-dichotomy, false-framing.

    1 is openly-evil, the other … is less evil, & works hard at hiding all the evil it does, from white eyes.

    1. Israel holds it is Western, & treated as Western, in alignment, so it doesn’t matter if someone holds that “because of what they do, therefore they aren’t Western”: their centrality in the US’s military & international policy makes it Western in a functional sense.

    2. Representative-republic ISN’T, & never was, democracy, & the electoral-college made the US 2-times-removed from democracy, not 1-times-removed, as a normal representative-republic was.

    Trump-dictatorship just finishes converting it to an ideology-archy, is all.

    It’ll take 7-8y for Trump to personality-convert to not-even-understanding-how-any-other-could-be-valid DarkHexad personality,

    & then another 7-8y cycle for that personality’s dictatorship to BUTCHER the US of A, as the Confederate reverse-takeover enforces its race-±religion totalitarianism.

    He promised his followers they wouldn’t have to vote anymore, & that is a promise I trust him to fulfil.

    You identified very-few assassinations, but I linked to a whole damn table-listing of the US’s assassinations…

    IF that doesn’t count, because you’ve already made-up your mind, that isn’t Empiricism, that is ideology/prejudice/“religion”/programming/Kahneman1-mind, & I’m fine with that being your religion: it is many people’s religion, & you’ve total constitutional right to your ideology/prejudice/religion/programming/Kahneman1-mind, as all Westerners do, it seems…

    ( the problem is wrong-granularity: Nazism can be called a “religion” & there’s no logically-valid falsification of that.

    Instead of guaranteeing the constitutional right to any ideology/prejudice/religion/programming/Kahneman1-mind, the right needs to be much more precise, DISallowing DarkHexad principles or embodiements from being any guaranteed-right.

    But that would violate the current “entitlement” to evil as a religion, wouldn’t it? )

    Our view is whitewashed!

    Holding that an acceptably-whitewashed view “proves” that our side isn’t evil … that hasn’t upright-spine in it, you know?

    Here is a book I invested-in years ago, in order to discover if there was ANY truth to the “my whole view is whitewashed” position, & I figured that if I could understand 1 section of the book’s context rigorously-enough ( based on my knowledge of outside-evidence, stuff NOT in the book ), THEN I’d be able to judge whether the book was all conspiracist-delusion XOR whether it was proving that at-least a significant-percentage of what it was saying was … proving my belief to be what was baseless…


    The section I dug-into was the systematic-assassination of biology researchers…

    From what I could tell, it checked-out.

    I never read any more of that book, because it’s too damn depressing.

    So, when it takes mere-seconds to find, online, evidence of THOUSANDS of falsely-labelled EKIA “Enemy Killed In Action”, as it was Obama’s S.O.P. to simply label ALL who US bombing butchered “EKIA”, ignoring their being just families who lived there…

    then the “evil XOR not-evil” false-dichotomy grates on my blood with its false-framing.

    No matter.

    Perhaps you hold that the evil the US does to its own not-have populations doesn’t count in G-D’s eye, either…

    Most whites don’t…

    In the 1st while of the BLM uprising there were 5 open lynchings in the Deep South, but … of course, … the police called all those hangings “suicide”, same as in the old days…

    ( read the Black news, when such events are happening, to get one’s eyes opened, I learned… )

    I’m insisting that ignoring/denying OUR side’s evil can’t fool or convince G-D itself, & that objectivity is how it sees all,

    & any Continuum/Soul which holds that it is child-of-G-D … that continuum NEEDS to get holding to G-D’s standards, including objectivity.

    Seeing what actually IS, you know?


    I’ve linked to evidence, & provided correct reasoning, but nobody has ANY obligation to tolerate that there’s ANY truth in either:

    ideology/prejudice/religion/programming/Kahneman1-mind ( Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast and Slow”, THE most important book in all psychology, in the world, now

    https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Fast-Slow-Daniel-Kahneman-ebook/dp/B00555X8OA/ NONE of my links are “affiliate” links: read the sample, there, & invest-in-truth if you find something, anything, to be truth, if you want. You determine what you find to be true, obviously. )

    all the imprint->reaction mind, no matter what it’s labelled, has the right to ideologically reject both evidence & correct-reasoning.

    WHEN one begins finding-out what’s being hidden by one’s own-side’s propaganda, there is nothing more demoralizing, more depressing, even betraying-of-one’s-belief.


    But upright-ones require uprightness, & if “our side” has been warring against uprightness, then either we are accommodating it, XOR we are attacking it, for uprightness’s sake.

    Same with any cancer: accommodating it produces future-life-destruction, whereas fighting it, really digging-in, COSTS, but may save one’s life, itself…

    Ignore or dig-in, whichever you want.

    I’ve provided enough examples-of-evidence, & no reader of this has any obligation to step outside of ideology & actually-consider evidence, let-alone keep-digging until even-more objective-view gets put in their gaze.

    which is enough: Empiricists have all the convincing they need, & ideologues won’t ever be convinced, anyways: that is The Great Filter which will extinguish nearly-all of this-world’s population, this century’s deathmatch.

    Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen.

    _ /\ _

  • The person you’re arguing-against has a valid point…


    & that is just 1 source I was able to find in mere-seconds, as this issue has had entire books written on it.

    BOTH sides commit imperialist narcissist machiavellian psychopathic nihilistic sadistic shit, while gaslighting the entire-world about it.

    The difference is a difference of degree, not a “1 does it, the other doesn’t do it” difference,

    & that has been true for … the last 8+ decades?

    This is actually a fundamental problem with “politics”:

    IF a particular machiavellian-operation is established,

    AND a “new government” is elected,

    Do you try resetting everything, in order to align with the temporarily-in-power new-electorate?

    XOR do you just keep everything underhanded going as S.O.P, while letting the “politicians” play in the polls?

    ( this is intentionally a false-dichotomy: the right-answer is somewhere between, & keeps dynamically changing, as the country’s morality devolves/evolves )

    Without periodic-review, there won’t ever be any accountability, & evil can just continue growing, endlessly, until the “deep state” really is the primary enemy of the country’s civil-rights…

    With periodic-review, however, then … done by whom?


    At what intervals?

    With what authority?


    Therefore, the default is for evil to just continue growing…

    As a collector-of-knowledge told me, years ago, the more he understood what had actually happened in the US molesting Nicaragua, via the CIA, & drug-cartels, etc…

    the more he couldn’t figure-out who the bad-guys were supposed to be.

    That is normal.

    Spook stuff does everything it can to eradicate true-good & true-evil from all frames-of-reference!

    that is by-design.

    which is what makes it & some-people so … utterly-incompatible.

    _ /\ _