What happens when the judge sends a marshal?
Nothing. Nothing will happen. Judges will send out an endless series of court orders essentially saying “Pretty Please”, but in the end, they will be able to do nothing beyond using a stern “disappointed parent” tone, asking politely, and just hoping Trump decides to comply. Because that’s all the power they have. And that’s not sarcasm. The Judicial branch has no power of enforcement.
From there, 99% of judges won’t do anything knowing that any attempt to take enforcement action on the President will immediately be struck down by the courts as the Supreme Court has already ruled that Trump is immune from prosecution, rendering any attempt at judicial enforcement an exercise in futility.
But let’s say a judge is willing to try. First, he’d have to find marshals actually willing to cooperate and face retaliation from Trump, his base, etc… Then what are the marshals expected to actually do? Walk up to the White House, knock on the door, and put Trump in handcuffs? They’d be lucky if they were able to set foot on the grounds before being told to fuck all the way off by the Secret Service. And that’s the GOOD outcome.
And then the retaliation tour begins. Admittedly, he probably wouldn’t have them arrested as that would be a little too on the nose, even for Trump. But they would start a smear campaign. There would be demands for the judge’s removal from the bench, and those marshals would probably be spending the rest of their lives in fear of retaliation from Trump’s mob. Think of what happened to the Georgia poll workers. That, only amplified about 50 times over. Again, this is the GOOD outcome for them.
Trump would then go on with business as usual as Fox News and Twitter write the whole thing off as an activist judge trying to make a name for himself at Trump’s expense as he says he should have just had the judge arrested for treason for openly defying Supreme Court orders declaring him immune, the irony and hypocrisy of his own statement notwithstanding.
Our justice system is not a co-equal branch of government. It is merely an advisory panel with no enforcement power. With no enforcement power and nobody willing to enforce them, their rulings are mere suggestions that don’t actually have to be followed.