This reminds me of the Blaster Worm back in the early 2000s. Infected users had to patch their PC without the internet, because connecting is what would cause you to reboot (so many PCs were infected it was basically instant). I worked at a computer store and we burned a bunch of patch CDs and were giving them out like hotcakes. My boss decided to slap a price tag on them for a day or two but we convinced him the good will was worth the cost and he eventually made it free again. People were fucking pissed off and handing out the free CD made them very grateful.
This reminds me of the Blaster Worm back in the early 2000s. Infected users had to patch their PC without the internet, because connecting is what would cause you to reboot (so many PCs were infected it was basically instant). I worked at a computer store and we burned a bunch of patch CDs and were giving them out like hotcakes. My boss decided to slap a price tag on them for a day or two but we convinced him the good will was worth the cost and he eventually made it free again. People were fucking pissed off and handing out the free CD made them very grateful.