Yup. The time for alternative actions is now.
If you aren’t personally shoving money in his pockets he doesn’t give a fuck about you.
When you read about American construction companies favouring Canadian lumber, it’s because our growing seasons are shorter > tree rings are closer together > the lumber is stronger and doesn’t warp as much.
Yes you have a lot of trees, but you don’t have a lot of good building-quality trees.
A classic case of “Does the ends justify the means?”
In this I say no. Kids deserve to have the privacy they were assured was there.
Fix the gd privacy issues and I’ll change my answer.
Two of the women are now free, save for probation obligations, while two others, because of past orders in their cases, have been transferred to the Flowood Restitution Center. The restitution center is a probation program that resembles a prison work camp and was the subject of another award-winning Mississippi Today/The Marshall Project investigation, “Want out of Jail? First You Have To Take a Fast-Food Job.”
Those women will be held until they earn enough money to pay off the large fee associated with attending drug court, typically $5,000, plus court costs and fines. One of them, her aunt told Mississippi Today, was sent to work at Wendy’s, but she’s only been given an 11-hour work week, causing uncertainty about how long it will take to earn off her debts and finish the program.
Wtf America.
Time for a nation-wide revolution to tear down every fucked up system.
Step 1 - lay out white fabric
Step 2 - mix red, white and blue paint together
Step 3 - paint a swastica on the new flag
Mission accomplished
Because he paid $250M for the privilege?
fElon Musk and his orange butt plug need to be removed, preferably to the farthest reaches of deep space – never to return.
Nevermind that Canada has more than a few MAGA supporters/fascists in our military, so can’t count on 100% support from them.
Brian Adams/Meatloaf mashup.
Tomato, tomahto.
We also have about 20% of the world’s fresh water, the oilsands and a shit ton of critical minerals.
I’m sure there are remnants of FLQ still hanging about. They could teach the rest of us how to operate an insurgency well.
A week ago, during the tariff on/tariff off bs, it was announced that:
The cost of aluminum for consumers in Europe buying on the physical market has dropped due to expectations that Canadian shipments under U.S. tariffs from Tuesday will be diverted, physical market traders said.
Here’s hoping that stands.
Ending a war vs ending a war as fairly as possible are two vastly different things.
Putin, like the orange butt plug, is a bully … and giving into a bully doesn’t stop the bullying. It only encourages the bully to continue being an asshole.