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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024

  • What’s funny is that I also think I’m on the spectrum.

    And to continue the conversation - my husband and I have been talking about visiting a South American country this summer where roasted guinea pig is on the menu. I honestly think I could give it a try even though I try to save any mice that my cats corner.

    Food choices are both weird and personal. I’ll always respect that.

  • Spiders of the sea. Crabs too. I wouldn’t want to touch one that wasn’t cooked.

    Although I find the comparison discomforting to think about, the sea spiders both go well with butter and are generally regarded as delicious.

    That introduces the question: if there were a land spider large enough to nullify the risk/reward/deliciousness equation, would I give it a try? My gut answer is no, but I think the realistic answer is, “I’ll wait and see what my fellow apes do with it first. If they have any good recipes, probably yes.”

  • Is it possible for everyone to stop saying this?

    My apologies if you happen to be a SLAMS/BLASTS/BREAKS HIS SILENCE bot and are just following your programming. It’s just beyond tiresome because we know. We fucking know. It’s a lazy and hyperbolic headline filler. But now we have lazy headline writing followed up with a lazy comment pointing out that the former is lazy.

    And it’s starting to break my mind in the same way “This” did on Reddit.

    One more apology for me being bitchy tonight. It’s not so much this comment, but every single identical one that came before it.