And yet again from Corporate America: “Rules for thee but not for me!”
Corporate America maybe. Meta is an international company and there are also a lot of international publishing companies.
I could definitely see this leading to a lawsuit in other parts of the world. This is unquestionably a violation of the Berne Convention.
Any of those books published by Nintendo, per chance?
I really hope the publishers sue for all the damages they can. Unlike average people, Meta has lots of money to lose, and it couldn’t happen to a worse company.
81.7 terabytes of books
(‘more than’, but we’ll use this figure)➗ divided by ➗
1 mebibyte per work
(the samples of digital novels i used here to estimate size per work were around 500kb each; i took that and doubled it)✖️ multiplied by ✖️
$250,000 maximum fine (per infringement)
🟰 equals 🟰
$19.48 trillion maximum fine.
Corporate death penalty pls They stepped on the toes of several companies with lots of lawyers.
Can I do this on my own computer? I’m training an AI I swear.
Believe it or not, straight to jail